References and Bibliography:

Splash Maritime Training thanks Tvet Australia and acknowledges the inclusion of extracts courtesy of Australian National Training Authority ACTRAC Learners Guides 1997 including:

“Small Boat Handling, National Module Code:ABF513”, Transport Industry Training Division of TAFE NSW in conjunction with the Marine Studies Section Far North

Queensland Institute of TAFE. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

Dalton, T., (Ed) (1988) Sea Safety for Small Craft, Dept Transport & Communications, Canberra.

Gandy, C.D., (1996) Australian Boating Manual, Sydney Maritime Consultancy Group Pty Ltd, Sydney.

Lawrance Larry., (1985) Handling Powered Vessels, Technical Publications Trust, Perth, W.A.

Maloney Elbert S., Chapman Piloting, Hearst Marine Books, New York.

Neil, I. & Young, J., (1989) Safe Boating in Australia, TAFE NSW, Sydney.

Theory and Practice of Seamanship, (1984) Technical Publications Trust, Perth, W.A.

“Engineering Knowledge Coxswain, National Module Code: ABF 522” South East Australian Training Services, and South East Australian Marine Education Centre
East Gippsland Institute of TAFE. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

‘Marine Engine Driving’ 1980, Technical Education Division, Education Department of Western Australia, Technical Publications Trust, Prospect Place, Perth. W.A. 6000

Queensland Transport ,Small Ships Manual.

Queensland Department of Transport, current edition, 1993, 10th edition.

The following diagrams have been extracted from or modified from EA851 Marine Engine Driving which is a Technical Publications Trust (Perth) Publication

Diesel engine – induction MED Figure 1.6 (modified)

Diesel engine – compression MED Figure 1.7 (modified)

Diesel engine – power MED Figure 1.8 (modified)

Diesel engine – exhaust MED Figure 1.9 (modified)

Diesel engine – scavenging MED Figure 2.9

Air cooling MED Figure 5.1 (modified)

Serck Wheat Exchanger MED Figure 5.6 (clipped)

Generic bellows thermostat MED Figure 5.1 (clipped)

Flywheel Magneto MED Figure 6.20

“Nautical Knowledge Coxswain, National Module Code: ABF521” Marine Studies Section Faculty of Industrial Education and Training, the Northern Territory University Darwin and Transport and Distribution Consortium Moreton Institute of TAFE. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

Australian Hydrographic Service

Royal Australian Navy

(a) Chart Aus 252 (Extracts)

(b) Chart Aus 802 (Extracts)

Australian Annual Notice to Mariners 5169A

AUS 220

AUS 831

AUS 832

AUS 249

Australian Advisory Council, Uniform Shipping Laws Code

Section 5 sub-section M

-Fig M1

-Fig M2

-Fig M4

-Fig M8

-Fig M11

Danton, Theory & Practice of Seamanship, Routledge Press

Fig 3.8 p 67

Fig 3.9 p 68

Department of Transport, Survival at Sea Instructional Manual, AGPS, Canberra, ACT

Fig 4.5

Fig 4.6

Kemp, J.F. & Young, P., Notes on Cargo Work, Stanford Marine, London

Kemp, J.F. & Young, P., Seamanship Notes, Stanford Marine, London

Kemp, J.F. & Young, P., Ship Construction Sketches and Notes, Stanford Marine, London

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Lawrance, Handling Powered Vessels, Technical Publications Trust, Perth, W.A

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Fig 1.2

Fig 1.3

Shoebridge, P.H., Nautical Knowledge1, Technical Publications Trust, Perth, W.A

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Technical Publications Trust, Coastal Navigation, Technical Publications Trust, Perth, W.A

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Gandy, D. Australian Boating Manual, Sydney Maritime C. P/L, Australia, 1996

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Queensland Transport, Small Ships Manual, Department of Transport, Brisbane,

QueenslandThank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Queensland Transport, Tide Tables 1997, Brisbane, Queensland

Fig 6.6.2

Fig 6.6.3

Queensland Marine Safety ACT 1994, Queensland Government, GO Print, Brisbane

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

“Nautical Knowledge Master 5, National Module Code:ABF531” Maritime Studies

Faculty of Industrial Education and Training, Northern Territory University Darwin

and Transport and Distribution Consortium Moreton Institute of TAFE. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

Australian Maritime Safety Authority Marine Orders, AGPS Canberra

Australian Transport Advisory Council, Uniform Shipping Laws Code, AGPS, Canberra ACT

Butler, FA & Duncan, WD, Maritime Law in Australia, Brown Son & Fergison, Glasgow

Danton, Theory & Practice of Seamanship, Routledge Press

Department of Transport, Survival at Sea Instruction Manual, AGPS, Canberra, ACT

DND, Admiralty Manual of Seamanship, HMSO, London, UK

Department of Transport, Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seaman, HMSO, London

Gandy, D, Australian Boating Manual, Sydney Maritime Co P/L, Australia, 1996

Gerr, D, Propeller Handbook

House, DJ, Seamanship Techniques, Butterworth-Heinemann, London

Hydrographer of the Navy, The Mariners Handbook, HMSO, London, UK

International Chamber of Shipping, Bridge Procedures Guide, Witherby & Co Ltd, London

IMO MERSAR Manual, IMO, London

IMO, International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972, IMO, London

IMO, International Conventions on Standards for Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW 95), IMO, London

IMO, International Conventions for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78), IMO, London

IMO, International Dangerous Goods Code, IMO, London

Kemp, JF & Young, P, Notes on Cargo Work, Stanford Marine, London

Kemp, J. & Young, P, Seamanship Notes, Stanford Marine, London

Kemp, JF & Young, P, Ship Construction Sketches and Notes, Stanford Marine, London

Lawrance, Handling Powered Vessels, Technical Publications Trust, Perth, W.A

Queensland Transport, Small Ships Manual, Department of Transport, Brisbane, Queensland

Robinson, MA, Rough Water Power Boating, Marine Watch Publications, 1988

Royal Australian Navy, Notes on Seamanship, AGPS, Canberra

Shoebridge, PH, Nautical Knowledge1, Technical Publications Trust, Perth, WA

White, MWD, Australian Maritime Law, The Federation Press, Annandale

Commonwealth Navigation Act 1912, AGPS, Canberra

Trust Publication, Nautical Knowledge Master Class 4 and 5, Supplementary Notes, Technical Publication Trust, Perth, WA

Trust Publications, Theory and Practice of Seamanship, Technical Publications Trust, Perth, W.A

State/Territory Acts and associated Regulations affecting commercial vessel operations

State/Territory Boating Guides published by the relevant authorities in each State or Territory.

Twidale, CR, Geomorphology, Nelson, Victoria

Australian Advisory Council, Uniform Shipping Laws Code

Section 5 sub-section M

-Fig M1

-Fig M2

-Fig M4

-Fig M8

-Fig M11

Danton, Theory & Practice of Seamanship, Routledge Press

Fig 3.8 p 67

Fig 3.9 p 68

Fig 4.52 p 104

Fig 7.2 p 146

Fig 7.3 p 147

Fig 7.6 p 151

Fig 16.11 p 428

Kemp, J.F. & Young, P., Notes on Cargo Work, Stanford Marine, London

Kemp, J.F. & Young, P., Seamanship Notes, Stanford Marine, London

Fig on page 31

Lawrance, Handling Powered Vessels, Technical Publications Trust, Perth, W.A

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Fig 1.2

Fig 1.3

Fig 9.1

Fig on page56

Shoebridge, P.H., Nautical Knowledge, Technical Publications Trust, Perth, W.A

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Gandy, D. Australian Boating Manual, Sydney Maritime C. P/L, Australia,1996

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Fig 7.21

Fig 7.23

Fig 7.29

Fig 12.36

Fig 12.37

Queensland Transport, Small Ships Manual, Department of Transport, Brisbane, Queensland

Thank you for the use of material and illustrations in the preparation of this booklet.

Twidale, CR, Geomorphology, Nelson, Victoria

Fig 4.11

“Coastal Navigation Master Class 5, National Module Code: ABF 532” Marine Campus Bundaberg College, Wide Bay Institute of TAFE. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

AMSA, Marine Orders, Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

Australian Hydrographic Service, Australian Tide Tables, Current Edition, Australian Publishing Service.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority, Torres Strait Tide Tables, Current edition,

Australian Government Publishing Service.

Australian Transport Advisory Council, Uniform Shipping Laws Code, Australian Government Publishing Service.

Blance A.G., 1983, Norie’s Nautical Tables, Imray Laurie Norie and Wilson, St Ives (or other suitable Nautical Tables).

Boles A.G. & Dineley W.O., 1990, Radar & Arpa Manual, Heinemann Newnes, London.

Bureau of Meteorology, 1993, Manual of Meteorology Part 1 General Meteorology, Australian Government Publisher.

Burger W., 1983, Radar Observer’s Handbook, 7th edn., Brown Son & Ferguson, Glasgow.

Cockcroft A.N., 1983, Nicholl’s Seamanship and Nautical Knowledge, 25th edn., Brown Son and Ferguson.

Coutts Craig, 1981, Coastal Yacht Navigation, Cassell Australia Ltd.

Danton G., 1987, The Theory & Practice of Seamanship, 10th edn., Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.

Department of Transport, 1983, Safety Education Articles, Canberra.

Derret D.R., 1977 Revised 1990, Ship Stability for Masters & Mates, 4th edn., Stanford Maritime.

DOT, 1991, Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen, HMSO, London.

DOTC, 1993, Survival at Sea, Australian Government Publishing Service.

Eyres D.J., 1991, Ship Construction, 3rd edn., Heinemann Newnes.

Fanderlinden R.B., 1988, Coastal Navigation, 2nd edn., Trust Publications.

Gandy Dick (Captain), The Australian Boating Manual, Sydney Maritime C Group Pty Ltd.

Hind A.J., 1982, Stability and Trim of Fishing Vessels, Fishing News Books Ltd, London.

Hydrographer of the Navy, 1982, IALA Maritime Buoyage System NP 735,

Hydrographer of the Navy.

Hydrographer of the Navy, 1984, Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts No 5011, 5th edn., Hydrographic Department.

Hydrographer to the Navy, 1989, (Supplement 1/1992), The Mariners Handbook, HMSO, 6th edn.

Hydrographer to the Navy, 1993, Admiralty Manual of Navigation, Vol 1 - HMSO 1987, Vol 2 - HMSO 1992, W.A. Tafe Trust Publications 1991, Perth W.A.

Hydrographer, 1973, Australian Pilot Vol 111, 6th edn., HMSO.

Hydrographer, RAN, Australian Notices to Mariners Nos 1 to 9, RAN Hydrographic Officer.

IMO, (Consolidated 1991), International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (Marpol 73/78), International Maritime Organisation.

International Chamber of Shipping, 1990, Bridge Procedures Guide, 2nd edn.,

International Chamber of Shipping.

Kemp J & Young P., 1971, Ship Construction Sketches and Notes, 3rd edn., Stanford Maritime, London.

Kemp J & Young P., 1971, Stability Notes and Examples, 2nd edn., Stanford Maritime, London.

Miller A.W., 1984, The Boatswains Manual, 4th edn., Brown Son & Ferguson.

Moore D.A., 1981, Marine Chartwork, 2nd edn., Adlard Coles Nautical, London.

NFITC, 1983, An Introduction to Fishing Vessel Stability, Newtone Press.

Qld. Transport, 1993, Small Ships’ Manual, Queensland Department of Transport.

Qld. Transport, 1994, Time Tables, Queensland Department of Transport.

Qld. Transport, Queensland Marine Act, Queensland Department of Transport.

Shoebridge P.H., 1985 (Including up-to-date supplement), Nautical Knowledge 1, Technical Publications Trust.

Shoebridge P.H., 1985, Nautical Knowledge 1, Technical Publications Trust.

Sonnenberg G., 1988, Radar & Electronic Navigation, 6th edn., Butterworths, London.

Spectrum Management Agency, 1993, Handbook for Radiotelephone Ship Station Operators, Australian Government Publishing Service.

St. Johns Ambulance Australia, 1993, Australian First Aid Vol. 1, 2nd edn., St. Johns Ambulance, Australia.

Taylor D.A., 1992, Merchang Ship Construction, 3rd edn., IME, London.

W.A Tafe, 1987, Nautical Knowledge Master Class 4 & 5, Technical Publications Trust.

W.A. Tafe, 1987, Simplified Stability Information for MV Onesuch & MV Twosuch, Trust Publications. Sample Manufacturer’s Operating Manuals.

Australia Pilot Vol III 1993 edition, Page 94
Publisher UK Hydrographer of the Navy.

Cover Page, Admiralty List of Lights, Volume D
Publisher UK Hydrographer etc.
Australian Titles to Mariners, Edition 30 (30 August 1996)
No page numbers. Issued fortnightly.
Publisher RAN Hydro Services
Fig 1.6,Fig 1.7 ]
Fig 1.8 ] Taken from Practice Chart AUS 5169 A
Fig 1.9 ]
Fig 1.10 Taken from Chart BA 1206
Fig 1.11, 1.12 From Practice Chart AUS 5169 A
Fig 1.14 Aus. 5169 A
Fig 2.3 Page 105 Small Ships Manual – Queensland Transport
Fig Page 106
Fig 2.5 Page 113
Fig 2.8 Coastal Yacht Navigation Coutts, Page 10
Fig 2.9 Coastal Yacht Navigation Coutts, Page 11
Fig 2.12 Practice Chart AUS 5169 A
Fig 2.17 Small Ships Manual, Page 106
Fig 3.0 AUS 5161
Fig 3.1 AUS 5169 A
Fig 3.2 AUS 5161
Fig 3.3 AUS 5161
Fig 3.4 AUS 5161
Fig 3.5 AUS 5169 A
Fig 3.6 AUS 5169 A
Fig 3.7 AUS 5169 A
Fig 3.8 AUS 5169 A
Fig 3.9 AUS 5169 A
Fig 4.2 Australia Pilot Vol III Page 17
Publisher UK Hydrographer
Fig 4.3 Australia Pilot Vol III Page 129
Fig 4.5 Part of Chart. AUS 822
Fig 4.6 Aust. National Tide Tables 1996 Page 254
Fig 4.7 Part of National Tide Tables 1996 Page 248
Fig 4.8 Practice Chart 5161
Fig 4.10 Practice Chart 5161
Fig 4.11 Practice Chart 5161
Fig 4.12 Practice Chart 5161
Fig 4.14 Practice Chart 5161
Fig 4.15 Practice Chart 5161
Tides – Aust. National Tide Table extract Page 139
Aust. National Tide Tables extract Page 92 and Page 264
Aust. National Tide Tables Page XVII
Fig 6.0 Extract Charts AUS 5020 A, 5020 B
Fig 6.1 Practice Chart 5169 A
Fig 6.2 Practice Chart 5169 A
Fig 6.4 Extract diagram from AUS 822
Aust. Boating Manual - Gandy Page 234

“Ship Knowledge Master 5, National Module Code: ABF533” Transport Industry Training Division of TAFE NSW in conjunction with the Australian Maritime College

Tasmania. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

Australian Transport Advisory Council. Uniform Shipping Laws Code. AGPS Canberra ACT

NFITC An Introduction to Fishing Vessel Stability. Newtone Press. 1983

Trust Publications. Simplified Stability Information for MV TWOSUCH. Technical Publications Trust, Perth WA

Queensland Transport, Small Ships Manual, Department of Transport Brisbane QLD., 1993

Derret D.R., Ship Stability for Masters and Mates. Stanford Maritime Ltd, London 1990

Kemp J. and Young P. Ship Stability Notes and Examples, Stanford Maritime Ltd, London 1971

Hind A.J., Stability and Trim of Fishing Vessels, Fishing News Books Ltd., London 1982

Eyres D.J. Ship Construction, William Heinemann Ltd., London 1982

Kemp J. and Young P Ship Construction Notes & Sketches. Stanford Maritime Ltd, London 1971

Taylor D.A., Merchant Ship Construction, IME London 1992

Gandy C.D., Australian Boating Manual, Sydney Maritime Group P/L Sydney NSW, 1995

FAO, 1985 Design of Small Fishing Vessels, Fishing News (Books) Ltd, Surrey. 1985

“Radar Master 5, National Module Code:ABF 534”. Transport Industry Training Division of TAFE NSW. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

Bartlett, T. 1991, A Small Boat Guide to Radar, Frenhurst Books Brighten, East Sussex, England.

Burger, W. 1983, Radar Observer’s Handbook, Brown Son & Ferguson, Glasgow.

Pike, D. 1977, Electronic Navigation for Small Craft, Granada Publishing, Sydney, Australia.

Sonnenberg, G.J.,1988, Radar and Electronic Navigation, Sixth Edition, Butterworth & Co. University Press, Cambridge, England.

Wylie. F.J., Captain, The Use of Radar at Sea Naval Institute Press, Annapolis, Maryland, USA.

“Marine Diesel Engine Operation, National Module Code: ABF 631”. Focus Learning Systems Pty Ltd in conjunction with the Transport Industry Training Division of TAFE NSW. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

‘Marine Engine Driving’ 1980, Technical Education Division, Education Department of Western Australia, Technical Publications Trust

Queensland Transport ,Small Ships Manual.

Queensland Department of Transport, current edition, 1993, 10th edition

The following companies have made valuable contributions to the development of this Learner’s Guide through the provision of technical information and images.

A. Raptis & Sons Pty Limited
Caterpillar of Australia Limited
Detroit Diesel - Allison Australia
Hamilton Jet
Kirby Refrigeration
Outboard Marine Corporation
NSW Water Police
Sydney Ferries
U-TEC Marine Refrigeration Systems
Wormald Fire Systems

“Certificate II in National Marine Engineering (Marine Engine Driver Grade 3)” National Module Code: ABF 632. Focus Learning Systems Pty Ltd in conjunction with the Transport Industry Training Division of TAFE NSW. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

The following companies have made valuable contributions to the development of this Learner’s Guide through the provision of technical information and images.

A. Raptis & Sons Pty Limited
Caterpillar of Australia Limited
Detroit Diesel - Allison Australia
Hamilton Jet
Kirby Refrigeration
Outboard Marine Corporation
NSW Water Police
Sydney Ferries
U-TEC Marine Refrigeration Systems
Wormald Fire Systems

“Certificate IV in National Marine Engineering” National Module Code: ABF 643

Operational Safety and Survey Maintenance. Focus Learning Systems Pty Ltd in conjunction with the Transport Industry Training Division of TAFE NSW. Australian National Training Authority © 1997 extracts under license of Tvet Australia. ANTA acknowledgements and references include:

The following companies have made valuable contributions to the development of this Learner’s Guide through the provision of technical information and images.

A. Raptis & Sons Pty Limited
Caterpillar of Australia Limited
Detroit Diesel - Allison Australia
Hamilton Jet
Kirby Refrigeration
Outboard Marine Corporation
NSW Water Police
Sydney Ferries
U-TEC Marine Refrigeration Systems
Wormald Fire Systems

Splash Maritime Training thanks the contributors and acknowledges the reference to the following:

Alma Doepel, SV, images.

Aussar, “National Search & Rescue Manual”

Australian Hydrographic Service, extracts of charts Aus811, Aus 802,

Aus262, Aus197and illustrations of river bar entrances, Tweed, Richmond, Hastings,

Camden Haven and Forster.

Australian Maritime Safety Authority (1993) Survival at Sea: A training and instruction manual, AGP, extracts of “Marine Notices” & “Marine Orders”

Australian National Training Authority, ACTRAC learners guides as listed above.

Attorney Generals Office, extracts of legislation.

Bader, H -D. & McCurdey P., “Waka Moana Symposium 1996”

Baty, Scott , “Ships that passed”

Bay of Plenty SLS, “images of First aid project.

Bureau of Meteorology

Burger, W. 1983, Radar Observer’s Handbook, Brown Son & Ferguson, Glasgow.

Chapelle, Howard I ”Boatbuilding” and “American Small Sailing Craft”

Clissold, Peter, 1936, Basic Seamanship, Brown Son & Ferguson, Glasgow.

Colls & Whitake, “Australian Weather Book”, Child & Associates

Coutts Craig, 1981, Coastal Yacht Navigation, Cassell Australia Ltd.

Dalton, T (ed) (1988), Sea Safety for Small Craft.

Environment, Dept of, image Elizabeth & Solitary Island marine Parks.

Gandy, Captain Dick (2000), Australian Boating Manual, Ocean Publications, Sydney.

Garmin, product information images.

GMC, product information images.

Greenhill, Basil “The Merchant Schooners”

Heeks, Chris, “Notes for Oten students”

Hydrographer of the Navy, 1972, weather image “Australia Pilot Vol 5”

Hydrographer of the Navy, 1973, weather image “Ocean passages for the World”

Hydrographer of the Navy, 1984, Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts No 5011.

Hydrographer, RAN, Australian Notices to Mariners Nos 1 to 9, RAN Hydrographic Officer.

Icom, product information images.

International Maritime Authority. “Extracts of Collision Regulations”, notes on “ISM 2002”, “Solas”, STCW”, “Marpol”, “Law of the Seas”, “IMDG”, IMO, London

Island Trader MV, images.

International Paints, product information sheets.

Internet websites see link

Federal Department of Transport (1987) Marine Information Manual, AGPS.

Furono, product information.

Gaudry, B & Noble, R (1992), Maritime Industry Occupational Health and Safety Manual.

Kemp & Young’s- “Seamanship notes”, “Ship Construction Sketches - Notes” and “Ship Stability Notes & Examples” Stanford Maritime Ltd, London 1971

Lowrance, product information.

Marine Safety WA, “MV Twosuch Stability Information”

Microsoft Corporation, clip art.

Moore D.A., 1981, Marine Chartwork, 2nd edn., Adlard Coles Nautical, London.

National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV) National Marine Safety Committee, “public submissions of the Standards 2005”

New Apprenticeship System, ANTA, extracts of “Electrical trades -Tools & Equipment Pt 1”

New Apprenticeship System, ANTA, extracts of “Electrical trades –Offhand grinding” & “Metal trades –Drilling”

NSW Maritime Authority, “SMS Guidelines 2003”

NSW SRB, Emergency contingency plans, “Oil spill”, “Tsunami”, “Marine SOP’s”, “State Rescue Board Policy”

Neef, Jean de (1991), Understanding Work Hazard.

Norglass, paint preparation information sheets.

Obre, Tom, “Navigational tables”

Port Macquarie News image “rescue of outriggers”

Port Venture, MV, images.

Pursey, H.J. “Modern Ship Construction”, Brown Son & Ferguson, Glasgow.

Queensland Transport, “Parasailing”

Ricks Designs, historic images “Alma Doepel”

RNLI, Sea safety website & images.

Robson, Bruce image sequences of “PM Bar”

Sea Breezes, image “Cross Channel Ferry”

Shields A. J., “Australian Weather” , Jacaranda Press.

SLSA, “IRB training manual”

Sydney Morning Herald, “Four day weather forecast”

Volunteer Rescue Association “Members Handbook”, “Members Induction Plan”

Uniform Shipping Laws Code (USL Code) Australian Government Printing Service

Taylor, Capt. L. J. “Cargo Work”, Brown Son & Ferguson, Glasgow.

Trowbridge Technical College, “Carpentry & Joinery Trade Certificate Notes”

Tvet Australia, the Australian National Training Authority Learners Guides 1997, as listed above.

Watts, Alan “Weather Forecasting”, Adlard Coles.

Workcover NSW, “Confined Spaces flyer.”

Workcover Victoria, “Hazchem Code flyer.”