APPLY DOMESTIC REGULATIONS ASSIGNMENT (pdf)..................... NAME:_____________

This assignment checks your progress in understanding of the content of the Australian Domestic Vessel Regulations (National Law) Lessons and Workbook
Comply with regulations to ensure safe operation of a vessel to 12 metres
Observe regulations to ensure safe operation of a vessel to 80 m

Question 1 (1 Mark)
A certificate of operation is issued for a period of:
a. 6 months
b. 3 years
c. 5 years
d. the life of the vessel

Question 2 (1 Mark)
If a vessel has an operational area classification of “B”, then it is:
a. limited to offshore waters to 200 nautical miles
b. limited to smooth and partially smooth waters
c. unlimited sea going
d. limited to offshore waters to 30 nautical miles

Question 3 (1 Mark)
A commercial vessel <7 metres, operating in open waters, must carry a minimum of:
a. 1 red hand flare and 1 hand held orange smoke signal
b. 1 parachute, 2 red hand flares and 1 hand held orange smoke signal
c. 1 red hand flare and 2 hand held orange smoke signals
d. 2 parachute, 2 red hand flares and 2 hand held orange smoke signals

Question 4 (3 Marks)

Describe what you understand by a jury rudder. Diagrams may be used to assist?

Question 5 (3 Marks)
What are the internationally recognised sound signals to indicate

Emergency stations ____________________________

I am unsure of your intentions______________________

Abandon ship _________________________________

Question 6 (1 Mark)
The following immediate action should be taken after an accidental oil spill in the water:
a. clean up with oil dispersants and advise the marine authority
b. contain the spill and advise the marine authority
c. dilute and break up the spill
d. clean up with oil dispersants

Question 7 (1 Mark)
A Navigational Warning (Securite) will usually contain information about:
a. dangerous floating objects
b. charted navigational aids
c. amendments to sailing directions
d. AUSREP procedures

Question 8 (1 Mark)
It is an offence to wilfully make an omission in a _________________ Book.

Question 9 (10 marks)

What actions (procedures) would you take in the event of a collision with another vessel?







What are your legal obligations when in a collision with another vessel?





Question 10 (1 Mark)
A ship station licence is issued by the:
a. Australian Communications Authority
b. Roads and Maritime Services Authority
c. Australian Communication and Media Authority
d. Australian Maritime Safety Authority

Question 11 (1 Mark)
The Certificate of Operation of a compliant domestic commercial vessel must be:
a. prominently displayed on board at all times
b. handed over to the appropriate authority for records
c. handed over to the insurance company
d. held in safe custody of owners or mortgagees in case vessel sinks

Question 12 (1 Mark)
Buoyant appliances shall be carried in such a manner that the appliance can be put into the water even when the longitudinal trim of the vessel is:
a. 20°
b. 10°
c. 25°
d. 15°

Question 13 (1 Mark)
Hand held distress Signals may be accepted as complying with the regulations for a period not exceeding:
a. one year
b. two years
c. three years
d. eighteen months

Question 14 (1 Mark)
What restrictions must be observed regarding the discharge of toilet waste in harbours and inland waters?
a. the vessel must be less than 6 metres in length
b. only permitted if the vessel has no toilet
c. the vessel must have no sleeping accommodation
d. the discharge of toilet waste is totally prohibited

Question 15 (1 Mark)
The entries to be made in the Vessel Log Book include the details of _________________ and drills.

Question 16 (1 Mark)
Masters Instructions to Watchkeepers state "to call him in case of any doubt". When you see a vessel not complying with the collision regulations that could endanger your safety:
a. you call the vessel on VHF and ask him his intentions
b. you call the Master
c. you give the vessel four short rapid blasts
d. all of the choices

Question 17 (8 marks)

Describe(or show by drawing) what you understand by the following search patterns to assist in locating a person overboard?

Expanding Search Pattern

Sector Search Pattern

When would it be preferable to use an Expanding Search Pattern over a Sector Search Pattern?





Question 18 (1 Mark)
The pollution regulations permit vessels to discharge:
a. toilet waste in tidal waters
b. oily bilges outside 12 miles of nearest land
c. metal cans outside 12 miles of nearest land
d. food scraps within 3 miles of land

Question 19 (1 Mark)
If you are involved in a collision you must
a. give the other vessel details of your vessel
b. comply with all of these statements
c. render assistance to the other vessel unless you are in imminent danger
d. enter full details in your Official Log Book (or Record Book)

Question 20 (1 Mark)
Life raft certificate for a passenger vessel is valid for:
a. 1 year
b. 4 years
c. the life of the raft
d. 2 years

Question 21 (1 Mark)
A Class 2 vessel is:
a. a vessel carrying fewer than 12 passengers
b. a vessel carrying more than 12 passengers
c. fishing vessel
d. a non passenger vessel

Question 22 (2 Marks)
What do you understand by the National Standards for Commercial Vessels (NSCV)?






Question 23 (10 marks)

Name 5 Certificates and 5 Documents that are required to be carried on board small vessels?













Question 24 (1 Mark)
The Australian search and rescue (RCC) Centre is located at:
a. Sydney
b. Perth
c. Canberra
d. Alice Springs

Question 25 (1 Mark)
When keeping a navigational watch the bridge
a. at no time must the bridge be left unattended:
b. can be left unattended by day
c. must be attended in poor visibility
d. must be attended in the night

Question 26 (1 Mark)
Master`s Instructions to Watchkeepers should include:
a. instructions for the navigational watch at sea and in port
b. instructions for the navigational watch at sea, at anchor and in port
c. instructions for the navigational watch at sea
d. instructions for the navigational watch at sea and at anchor

Question 27 (1 Mark)
A Class 3 vessel is:
a. a vessel carrying less than 12 passengers
b. a vessel carrying more than 12 passengers
c. fishing vessel
d. a non passenger vessel

Question 28 (1 Mark)
What restrictions must be observed in the dumping at sea of garbage if you are within the Great Barrier Reef?
a. permissible 12 miles & over from the nearest land
b. permissible 3 miles & over from the nearest land
c. not to be dumped at all within the Great Barrier Reef
d. permissible 12 miles and over from the nearest land ( 3 miles if ground to less than 25 mm diameter)

Question 29 (1 Mark)
You have some dunnage and packing materials to dispose off. These can be disposed off at sea if you are:
a. may not be dumped at sea
b. 25 miles & over from the nearest land
c. 3 miles & over from the nearest land
d. 12 miles & over from the nearest land

Question 30 (1 Mark)
Under the NSCV Part E, Fire Drills are held in Class 1 vessels of over four crew at intervals:
a. not exceeding two months
b. not exceeding one month
c. a period determined by risk analysis and documented in the SMS training plan.
d. not exceeding three months

Question 31 (1 Mark)
What are the four steps of a risk management process





Question 32 (10 marks)

Briefly explain what information you could obtain from the following publications?

NSCV (Part C)





Notice to Mariners



Marine Orders






Question 33 (1 Mark)
Under the NSCV Part E, commercial domestic vessels must be manned with:
a. a core complement and adequate crew for the operation
b. only the core complement
c. as determined by the master and owner
d. as determined by the surveyor

Question 34 (1 Mark)
Saving of life is a legal obligation:
a. salvage may be paid for saving life if property is saved as well
b. salvage may be paid for saving life if no property is saved
c. salvage is only paid for saving life if property is saved as well
d. salvage is never paid for saving of life

Question 35 (1 Mark)
By definition, under Commonwealth marine legislation, a ship is seaworthy if its hull, machinery and equipment are in a fit state to encounter the ordinary perils of voyages undertaken. What is the remaining condition to be met in order for a ship to be considered seaworthy?
a. It must have sufficient fuel
b. It must have sufficient provisions and water
c. It must not be overloaded
d. It must be insured

Question 36 (1 Mark)
Commercial vessel registration identification must be displayed by:
a. mechanically propelled vessels
b. all domestic commercial vessels
c. all vessels over 20 metres
d. all vessels over 5.5 metres

Question 37 (4 marks)
List 4 items of information found on a Certificate of Operation?





Question 38 (1 Mark)
A go to fire stations signal is typically:
a. 1 short and 1 long blast sounded at least 3 times
b. a continuous ringing of a bell
c. a continuous sounding of the siren
d. at least 7 short and 1 long blast

Question 39 (1 Mark)
Marine Orders are published by the:
a. Australian Communications and Media Authority
b. Roads and Maritime Authority
c. Boating Industry Association
d. Australian Maritime Safety Authority

Question 40 (2 marks)
Recent legislation on penalties (fines) for Individuals and Companies found guilty of pollution by oil into waterways have been introduced into the State pollution acts? What are the maximum fines that individuals and companies can be fined?

Individual Units________________________________

Companies/Corporate Bodies Units________________________________

Question 41 (3 marks)

What items would you as a Master, include in your Bridge/Wheelhouse “Standing Orders” if you were undertaking a voyage between Brisbane and Sydney?




Question 42 (3 marks)

In addition to the standing orders, what “Night Orders” would you include for your Watchkeepers



Question 44 (2 marks)
Describe the contents of Appendix “A” (conditions) in a Certificate of Operation.




Describe the contents of Appendix “B” (manning) in a Certificate of Operation.




Question 45 (5 marks)
List the Notifiable Incidents requiring reportage to the Authority:






Question 46 (4 marks)
What is the primary responsibility of the Master of a vessel:


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