These assignments check your understanding of Marine Orders 32 Cargo Gear, the Lessons & the Workbook.
Apply seamanship skills aboard a vessel up to 12 metres
Perform seamanship operations on board a vessel up to 24 metres

Question 1. Name three types of natural and synthetic fibre ropes and give their characteristics and properties.



Question 2. Explain the following 'Lay' of fibre rope.

a) Hawser



b) Shroud



c) Cable



Question 3. Describe how you would uncoil cordage.



Question 4. Describe how you would inspect rope for internal and external damage?



Question 5. When using fibre rope, list four things to avoid.



Question 6. Explain the uses of the following:-

a) Figure of eight knot



b) Bowline



c) Sheepshank



Question 7. What is S.W.L. and B.S.?





Question 8. How are rope sizes measured?



Question 9. What is the S.W.L. of -

a) 20 mm Hemp



b) 15 mm Polypropylene



c) 12 mm Polyamide



Question 10. What is the B.S.. of -

a) 20 mm Manila



b) 15 mm Silver rope



c) 12 mm Nylon



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