STUDENT NAME:.........................................





Location, Partial Sign off, etc

Inspected a vessel’s hull, propeller and underwater equipment are carried out on a slipway within limits of responsibility as per standard procedures.


Workplace observation

Observation and question

Assignment or        

Written test

Any deterioration of a vessel’s structure, fittings, propeller and underwater equipment is identified and appropriate basic servicing action initiated or carried out in accordance with company procedures.


Records of servicing work are completed as per standard procedures.


Checks and inspections on the watertight integrity of the vessel is in accordance with company procedures and safety regulations.


Dangers to watertight integrity are identified and appropriate action is taken to report and rectify or minimise the hazards.


Repairs and corrosion control are initiated and carried out in accordance with company procedures and manufacturer’s instructions.


Records of repairs and corrosion control and action to ensure watertight integrity are complete, accurate and comply with company procedures.


All underwater openings and equipment are checked prior to returning vessel to the water.



Witness Name, (Position, Qualification & contact details)……………… Signs…………………..






                             Student Signs…………………………  


Competent     Not yet Competent    Required, additional evidence of unit elements: