STUDENT NAME:......................................................




Location, Partial Sign off, etc

Described how a vessel’s stability book is located, accessed and correctly interpreted.

Knowledge of required instructions/notifications concerning stability is demonstrated including incidents causing changed stability; grounding, fire, collision & structural alteration.


Workplace observation

Question & answer

Interpreted basic vessel stability terms/data and described its use to maintain vessel stability in accordance with regs.


Question & answer

Assignment  Link

Extracted data from a vessel’s stability book to calculate stable/safe stability in variety of operational loading conditions.


Question & answer

Assignment  Link

Demonstrated the ability to monitor the stability of a small vessel appropriately to the nature and speed of the vessel’s operations/emergencies. Conducted a rolling test.


Workplace observation

Question & answer

Assignment  Link

Describes the appropriate/prompt action required if stability factors exceed acceptable limits ( including the affects of suspended weights using cargo/fishing gear & loading & unloading heavy weights).


Question & answer

Demonstrated knowledge of precautions required where weather/sea conditions and planned operations affect the stability/watertight integrity of the vessel & the cause, affect and arrangements to reduce FSE & water on deck.


Workplace observation

Question & answer

Assignment  Link

Described the prompt/appropriate action required where weight distribution compromises vessel safety & differentiated between list/loll. Described actions to correct an angle of loll.


Question & answer

Assignment  Link

Described the timely/appropriate action taken in anticipation of environmental changes affecting the stability of the vessel including calculations of FWA.


Workplace observation

Question & answer

Practical task

Described the actions required in emergency situations to maintain the stability of the vessel within safe limits including, the precautions to be taken on board a fishing vessel when clearing a net which is caught fast on an underwater obstruction and the affects on stability to a vessel that has been "bilged" (listed the actions to contain in flooding).


Question & answer

Assignment  Link


Witness Name, (Position, Qualification & contact details)……………… Signs…………………..

                             Student Signs…………………………  

Competent     Not yet Competent    Required, additional evidence of unit elements: