1.      When the World is represented as a globe:

a) How many degrees of latitude are there?

b) How many degrees of longitude are there?

2.      How many minutes are there in one degree?

3.      What are the small circles, slices of the Earth’s sphere, that run parallel to the equator called?

4.      What are the large circles, on the Earth’s surface, drawn from North and South Poles called?

5.      Which is the correct method of writing a position?

                   a)        4316’.2S                  150o  20.5’E

                    b)      150o  20’.5E                    43o  16’.2S

                   c)        43o  16’.2S                  150o  20’.5E

6.      On the Earth’s surface, how many Nautical Miles does one degree of Latitude represent?


1.      When the World is represented as a globe:

a) How many degrees of latitude are there? 90ºN + 90ºS

b) How many degrees of longitude are there?180ºW + 180ºE

2.      How many minutes are there in one degree?


3.      What are the small circles, slices of the Earth’s sphere, that run parallel to the equator called?

                                  Parallels of latitude

4.      What are the large circles, on the Earth’s surface, drawn from North and South Poles called?

                                 Meridians of longitude

5.      Which is the correct method of writing a position?

                   a)        4316’.2S                  150o  20.5’E

                    b)      150o  20’.5E                    43o  16’.2S

                   c)        43o  16’.2S                  150o  20’.5E

6.      On the Earth’s surface, how many Nautical Miles does one degree of Latitude represent?


Ranger Hope © 2008