BAR CROSSING SONG ......Back to gallery


A .........D ...............A ............ G

A cold Sou'easter blows my way.

A .........D ......... .........A.......... G

Drives white horses into the bay.

D....................... A ..................G

While offshore whales head North to play,

A....................... D .....G .......A

away from this East Coast winter's day.


Put your rods put your reeels put your boats away,

The current is roaring and there's no fish today.

Don't fish the bait reef like us before dawn,

Pull up y'blankets and keep your toes warm.

Don't toss around still wet from the bar,

jigging in sweep by the morning star.

Steer us home John, this is no fun,

Let's tie up the boat, lets wait for some sun.

But John lost his hat shooting the bar

and turned us roundand back out for more,

While offshore whales head North to play,

away from this East Coast winters day.

Ranger Hope 2005