Question 1 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1a

Match the knot to how it is best used.

1. sheet bend


a. for joining ropes of similar sizes

2. bow line


b. to temporarily isolate damage in rope

3. sheep shank


c. makes a temporary eye

4. reef knot


d. for joining ropes of different diameter

Question 2 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1a

Stand close to ropes under tension in readiness to cast them loose if needed.

TRUE                                           FALSE

Question 3 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1a

What would you use to fasten to a small anchor ring.

a.        timber Hitch

b.        clove Hitch

c.        rolling Hitch

d.        round Turn and Two Half Hitches

Question 4 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1a

A “sheepshank” is can be used to join two lines.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 5 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1a

A line passed down to the MOB in the water with a knot tied in it to assist lifting aboard. It is best to use a:

a.       jury knot

b.       reef knot

c.       sheepshank

d.       bowline on the bight

Question 6 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1b

To make a permanent loop in a hawser it is best to use a:

a.       bowline

b.       reef knot

c.       eye splice

d.       bowline on the bight

Question 7 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1b

Two ropes can be joined with a short splice.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 8 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1c

A “right handed’ rope is coiled up in an anticlockwise fashion.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 9 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1c

Wire ropes are classified by:

a.        their circumference

b.        their weight

c.        their circumference, number of strands and number of wires per strand  

d.        their diameter, number of strands and number of wires per strand

Question 10 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1c

If one end of a rope is tied to a sampson post, the other end is called the:

a.        standing part

b.        sourer end

c.        bight

d.        free end

Question 11 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1d

If the breaking strain of a Steel Wire Rope is 12 tonnes, its SWL would be approximately:

a.       12 tonnes

b.       8 tonnes

c.       2 tonnes

d.       20 tonnes

Question 12 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1d

What is the approximate SWL of 12mm natural fibre rope:

a.       144 kilos

b.       256 kilos

c.       64 kilos

d.       128 kilos

Question 13 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1d

What is the approximate SWL of 10mm polypropylene rope:

a.       180 kilos

b.       1600 kilos

c.       16 kilos

d.       160 kilos

Question 14 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1e

To temporarily check a mooring line that is slipping around a bollard, you should:

a.       look at it very carefully

b.       tie a clove hitch

c.       take another turn

d.       make fast

Question 15 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1f

Running rigging should be checked before each time that it is used.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 16 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1g

The maximum safe working load that can be lifted with a derrick is:

a.       twice the diameter of the wire rope

b.       described in the operators manual

c.       is found in Marine Orders 32 (Cargo)

d.       marked on the derrick

Question 17 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1h

The main purpose of a heaving line is to retrieve an anchor.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 18 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1h

Fenders are used to minimise damage to a vessel’s hull as it berths on a wharf.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 19 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1i

If asked to secure a line amidships, you would secure the line:

a.        on the vessel’s quarter

b.        at the vessel’s mid length

c.        on the vessel’s bow

d.        when the vessel is alongside

Question 20 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1j

The photo of a windlass below, identify the:

a.        Warping Drums

b.        Gypsy

c.        Dog Clutch Lever

d.        Brake Handles

Question 21 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1k

A post placed on a wharf to tie a mooring lines to, is called a:

a.        staghorn

b.        fairlead

c.        fair lead

d.        bollard

Question 22 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1k

A line should be secured on a cleat using a half hitch.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 23 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1l

After use lines and equipment should be secured or stowed away.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 24 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1l

In the diagram above, label the six mooring lines shown:

Question 25 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 1l

Rope stoppers are used to temporally take the strain off a hawser while its slack end is transferred from a warping drum to the bitts.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 26 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2a

Identify the anchors shown below

Text Box:

Question 27 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2a

Which of the following is part of common anchor gear?

a.        a devil’s claw

b.        a fish plate

c.        a cat of nine tails

d.        a gooseneck

Question 28 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2a

The anchor stows in the:

a.        chain locker

b.        hawse pipe

c.        spurling pipe

d.        waist well

Question 29 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2b

Before entering the chain locker, you should

a.        clear the hawse

b.        ventilate the locker

c.        hose it out

d.        remove all the chain

Question 30 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2b

When anchoring in deep water, the anchor should be:

a.        walked out all the way

b.        walked out slowly most of the way

c.        let go from the hawse pipe

d.        thrown overboard

Question 31 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2b

It is unwise to anchor a runabout by the stern because:

a.        the pull on the stern can swamp the vessel

b.        fishing lines get tangled in the motor

c.        petrol fumes are blown back into the boat

d.        the boat will sheer excessively

Question 32 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2b

When anchoring a vessel, it is best to release the anchor when:

a.        going full ahead

b.        gathering slight headway

c.        going full astern

d.        just starting to gather sternway

Question 33 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2c

The part of an anchor which takes hold on the bottom is the shank.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 34 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2c

When preparing to weigh the anchor, the first step is to:

a.        fasten the hawse cover plates

b.        take the pawl off the chain plates

c.        engage the gypsy

d.        release the chain stopper

Question 35 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2c

The best way to tell if a vessel is dragging her anchor is to:

a.        haul the vessel up to the anchor

b.        feel the anchor chain

c.        look for change in the bearings of fixed objects on shore

d.        reverse back on the anchor

Question 36 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2d

Holding the fore arm vertically indicates that the anchor cable is at “up & down”.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 37 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 2f

Personal protective equipment for use with windlasses requires:

a.       wet weather gear

b.       sun glasses

c.       overalls

d.       safety glasses

Question 38 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 3a

A bridal should be rigged in preparation:

a.        when couples are married at sea

b.        to tow another vessel

c.        to attach to the mainsheet horse

d.        as a control line for a derrick

Question 39 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 3b

Monitoring of a towline is required:

a.       only required in fog

b.       at all times.

c.       if the tow starts to sheer

d.       at the start and finish of a tow

Question 40 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 4a

Oily rags should be stored with the paints and thinners in the bosun’s locker.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 41 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 4a

Smoking is acceptable in the galley after dinner.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 42 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 4a

Jewellery must not be worn when preparing food.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 43 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 4b

It is safe to stow cooked and uncooked meat together in the same refrigerator.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 44 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 4b

Heavy equipment should be stowed as low as is convenient.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 45 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 4b

Side openings without guard rails for boarding/disembarkation in a vessel can be left open in summer to allow through ventilation.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 46 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 4b

Materials safety data sheets do not include the necessary information required to safely stow most common chemicals used for cleaning agents.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 47 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 4c

The purpose of securing dead lights over port holes is to stop the glare of a cabin lights that would otherwise confuse other vessel’s watchkeepers at night.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 48 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5a

As polypropylene rope floats it is perfect for buoyant lines.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 49 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5a

Nylon rope is too slippery and weak for anchor lines.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 50 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5a

Coir rope is suitable for lifting heavy loads.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 51 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5a

Synthetic rope should always be left in the sun to dry.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 52 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5b

Circle the reef knot, sheet bend and bowline shown below and describe an appropriate application that they could be used for.

Question 53 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5b

Circle the clove hitch and round turn and two half hitches shown below and describe an appropriate application that they could be used for.

Question 54 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5c

A thimble inserted in an eye splice will protect it from chaffing.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 55 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5c

At least five tucks are required when making an eye splice in synthetic rope.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 56 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5d

A whipping on a fibre line keeps the ends from fraying.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 57 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5e

An oil bag is attached to a sea anchor to repel sharks.

TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 58 Validates to TDMMC707C - Element 5e

A vessel that is hove to in heavy weather may deploy a drogue to reduce leeway.

TRUE                                 FALSE

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Ranger Hope © 2008 (contains reworked material courtesy of ANTA)