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A. COXSWAINS QUESTIONS                B. M5/M24 QUESTIONS                               

Manoeuvre within the limits of responsibility of a Coxswain

Question 1 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1a

To pick up a river mooring when experiencing wind without tide it is best to:  

a.      approach with the wind.

b.      approach with the wind from astern.

c.      approach with the wind on the beam.

d.      approach with the wind on the bow.

Question 2 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1a

The anchor should be let go when the vessel is:

a.      in stern propulsion.

b.      making sternway.

c.      making headway.

d.      in ahead propulsion.

Question 3 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC907C element 1a

To place your vessel in your planned anchoring position, you should:

a.      let go downwind of that position

b.      let go before you reach that position.

c.      let go upwind of that position.

d.      let go when you reach that position.

Question 4 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1a

To determine if your vessel’s anchor is dragging you should:

a.      note any change in tightness of the anchor chain.

b.      note changes to bearings of fixed objects on shore.

c.      note the angle of line paid out.

d.      note the bow wave.

Question 5 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1a

An echo sounder shallow depth alarm is most useful when approaching:

a.      a coastal river bar.

b.      a poorly charted shoreline.

c.      a gently shoaling shoreline.

d.      a very “steep to” shoreline.

Question 6 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1b

A vessel’s leeway can be estimated by observation of:

a.      apparent wind speed.

b.      wind direction. 

c.      wind speed and sheer.

d.      the angle between your heading and your wake.

Question 7 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC907C element 1b  

The vessel design best to maintain a steady course in a rough sea is a:

a.       sailing skiff.

b.       trawler.

c.       ski boat.

d.       liferaft.

Question 8 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1b

In order to maintain a steady course when running with a following sea, the steering wheel needs to be:

a.      eased or hardened with each swell to maintain an average course.

b.      lashed down to prevent any movement.

c.      allowed to find its own position to avoid broaching.

d.      thrown from hard over to hard over to maintain the precise course.

Question 9 (4 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1c


Match the propulsion system with the performance qualities you would expect.

1. Twin screw


b. Manoeuvrabiliy

2. Outboard.


a. Acceleration

3. Single screw


c. Transverse thrust

Question 10 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1d

Before taking a vessel to sea the master has responsibility to:

a.      ensure the ropes stowed.

b.      close all scuppers and freeing ports.

c.      brief the crew.

d.      open the engine hatch.

Question 11 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC907C element 1d

Hand signals are inappropriate in vessel operations as they can be confusing.

TRUE                                   FALSE

Question 12 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1d

Crew should not repeat every skipper’s steering order as it becomes annoying. 

TRUE                                   FALSE

Question 13 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1e

Greater turning affect (right handed single propeller vessel) is achieved by:

a.      astern propulsion steering hard to port.

b.      forward propulsion steering hard to starboard.

c.      astern propulsion steering hard to starboard.

d.      forward propulsion steering rudder hard to port.

Question 14 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1e

A advantage of a vessel with a planing hull (compared to a displacement) is its:

a.       sea keeping ability.

b.       high windage.

c.       speed capability.

d.       fragile construction.

Question 15 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1e

High speed vessels require very large rudders. 

TRUE                             FALSE

Question 16 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC907C element 1e

To correct the trim of a small outboard boat to reduce trim by the stern, you should:

a.      raise the tilt trim.

b.      shorten the tow rope.

c.      lower the tilt trim.

d.      move weight to the back of the boat.

Question 17 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC907C element 1e

To correct the trim of a small outboard boat to tow well, you should:

a.      raise the tilt trim.

b.      shorten the tow rope.

c.      lower the tilt trim.

d.      move weight to the back of the boat.

Question 18 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC907C element 1e

By comparison to being moored to a buoy, a vessel that is at anchor has:

a.      a much larger swinging circle.

b.      a much smaller swinging circle.

c.      to check on her position more frequently.

d.      to be less concerned about the holding ground.

Question 19 (2 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1e

Below is a normal twin inboard vessel as seen from the stern with a right and a left hand propeller. Draw arrows on the sketch to show the direction of rotation of each propeller.

Question 20 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC907C element 1f

The stopping distance of a vessel is shorter when it is heavily loaded.

TRUE                              FALSE

Question 21 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1g

While weighing anchor you pick up an old mooring cable. To clear your anchor you should:

a.      secure your anchor and steam full astern.

b.      lower a man on the second anchor so he can lift off the obstruction.

c.      lower a stage and cut away the obstruction.

d.      secure the obstruction with a rope, lower your anchor to clear, then cut away obstruction.

Question 22 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC907C element 1g

The reef pick is best for anchoring in sand.


TRUE                                 FALSE

Question 23 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC907C element 1g

Weight for holding power, the preferred anchor for small vessels is a:

a.      plough anchor.

b.      dreadnought anchor

c.      stockless anchor.

d.      kedge anchor.

Question 24 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1g

When would you use a tripping line with your anchor:

a.      with a rocky bottom.

b.      with a sandy bottom.

c.      at times of large tidal ranges.

d.      when the wind is against the tide.

Question 25 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC907C element 1g

Maintaining river moorings licensed by your State’s Maritime Authority in good repair is the responsibility of the authority rather than the license holder. 

TRUE                               FALSE

Question 26 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1h

As compared to a planning vessel of similar size, a displacement vessel when traveling at the same speed creates:

a.      the same wash.

b.      less wash.

c.      more wash.

d.      negligible.

Question 27 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1h

When passing working oyster leases, you should:

a.      get as close as you can so they see you coming.

b.      slow down to reduce the extent of your wash.

c.      speed up to get past quickly.

d.      blast your horn to warn of your approach.

Question 28 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 2a

When approaching an area of gloom and heavy rain squalls you should:

a.      get all the crew up on the decks in wet weather gear.

b.      radio a panpan to warn other vessels of the approaching poor visibility.

c.      determine the position of close hazards before they are lost from sight.

d.      speed up to get through the bad weather quickly.

Question 29 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 2b

To maintain steerage in a following sea it is usual to:

a.      steam at the same speed as the swells.

b.      steam at twice the speed of the swells.  

c.      steam at half the speed of the swells.

d       steam beam on to negotiate each swell.

Question 30 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 2b

Small power vessels in very high seas should heave to by:

a.      lying ahull with a sea anchor to leeward.

b.      heading the swell with a sea anchor out ahead.

c.      quartering the seas with a sea anchor out ahead.

d.      running with the seas with a sea anchor to leeward. 

Question 31 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC907C element 2b  

In heavy weather, trimming a vessel by the bow reduces the risk of being pitch poled.

TRUE                           FALSE

Question 32 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC907C element 2b

Entering a river bar in a slow displacement hull vessel you should: 

a.      trim by the bow using full speed with the swells on your starboard quarter.

b.      ready your anchor to let go and track across the swells direction. 

c.      edge forward with swells on the quarter using thrust to counter a broach.

d       batten down as for heavy weather and track in with the swells direction.

Question 33 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 2c

Large modern container ships:

a.      have a considerable blind spot ahead of them.

b.      do not maintain a watch for small vessels. 

c.      always stay well offshore traveling north along the Australian coast.

d       though slow, are highly manoeuvrable.

Question 34 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 2c

The list of a vessel is caused by:

a.      the turning effect.

b.      the loading condition.

c.      the seas it encounters.

d.      the wind it encounters.

Question 35 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 2c

To remedy the problems associated with a stiff ship it is necessary to:

a.      lower weights within the vessel.

b.      raise weights within the vessel.

c.      load weights low down in the vessel.

d.      discharge any weights on deck

Question 36 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 2c

A crew member falls overboard, so you drop a lifebuoy and alter course toward the person. What is your next action:

a.      turn on the deck lights so you can see what you are doing.

b.      go forward to get a heaving line ready for pick up.

c.      keep your eyes on the person and shout for the crew to come and help.

d.      go below and call the rest of the crew to come and help.

Question 36 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC907C element 2d  

The faster you tow a runabout, the less chance it will yaw.


Question 33 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC907C element 2d

Departing outbound across a coastal river bar, planing vessels should:

a.      become airborne to lessen the whitewater experienced. 

b.      use controlled speed that avoids becoming airborne.

c.      use maximum speed to meet the force of the swells.

d       avoid the unbroken areas of swell between the white water.

Question 39 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 2e

If you see an orange sheet flying on another vessel you must:

a.      give way if you are a sailing vessel.

b.      give assistance to the vessel in distress.

c.      report the incident to the Maritime Authority.

d.      keep clear of this pilot vessel.

Question 40 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC907C element 1f

An experienced crew only need to talk to each other when an emergency occurs.

TRUE                                   FALSE

Manoeuvre within the limits of responsibility of a M5/M24 (complete the coxswains questions first)


Question 1 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1a   

The available depth of water in a channel is shown by:

a.      the colour of the water.

b.      the buoyage.

c.      the relevant chart. 

d.      the other vessels that can be seen further upstream.

Question 2 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1a   

If berthing an outboard powered vessel on a wharf “port side to”, into the tide with an offshore breeze, you should:

a.      back in, pick up an aft spring, then hard a’starboard using ahead propulsion.

b.      drift in, pick up an aft spring, then hard a’port using slow ahead.

c.      approach head on, pick up a bowline, then hard a’port & slow astern.

d.      approach head on, pick up a bowline and let the wind blow you on.  

Question 3 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1a   

Safe water is indicated by:

a.      a red navigational buoy.

b.      a red and white navigational buoy.

c.      a red and black navigational buoy.

d.      a yellow navigational buoy.

Question 4 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1a   

The autopilot steering should be returned to manual when near or in:

a.             dawn or dusk.

b.             dawn, dusk and all night.

c.             restricted visibility.

d.             coastal waters.

Question 5 (4 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1a  

Your single right hand propeller vessel is berthed  between two other vessels. List your helm/throttle actions to depart from this riverside berth, and draw below the hawser that you would use to assist in the manoeuvre.




Question 6 (4 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1a  

Your single right hand propeller vessel is berthed  between two other vessels. List your helm/throttle actions to depart from this riverside berth, and draw below the hawser that you would u se to assist in the manoeuvre.



Question 7 (2 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1b

When adrift in a strong breeze, the different hull types shown below would either point their bow or point their stern into the wind:

1.   would point the bow into the wind

2.   would point the stern into the wind

Question 8 (4 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1c

Match the propulsion type with the performance quality you would most expect:

1. Single screw


b. One side berthing

2. Twin screw


d. Either side berthing

3. Kort nozzle


a. Trawling efficiency

4. Outboard


c. Fast acceleration

Question 9 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1c

A stationary right hand single screw vessel that is experiencing a steady breeze on the port quarter can temporarily hold at that station by:

a.                  going slow astern.

b.                  going slow astern with helm hard to starboard.

c.                  going slow ahead with helm hard to starboard.

d.                  going slow ahead.

Question 10 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1d

The colours of a pilot flag are:

a.                  white and black.

b.                  orange and black.

c.                  white and red.

d.                  blue and white.

Question 11 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC807B element 1d

You are selecting astern propulsion, you should signal:

a.                  four short blasts on the vessel’s horn.

b.                  one short blast on the vessel’s horn.

c.                  two short blasts on the vessel’s horn.

d.                  three short blasts on the vessel’s horn.

Question 12 (3 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1e

Describe three precautions that you would take in following a narrow and shoal channel:




Question 13 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1f  

To turn a vessel with a right handed propeller short-round, by using ahead and astern propulsion with rudder movements, the preferred start the turn is:

a.             astern with the rudder hard over to port.

b.            ahead with the rudder hard over to starboard.

c.             astern with the rudder hard over to starboard.

d.             ahead with the rudder hard over to port.

Question 14 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1g

When berthing alongside in favourable conditions, generally the most useful line to put ashore first is a:

a.                  head line.

b.                  breast line.

c.                  stern line.

d.                  spring line.

Question 15 (26 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1h

Define “safe speed”:







Question 16 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1j   

A tender ship is caused by:

a.                  the centre of gravity being too high.

b.                  the centre of buoyancy being too high.

c.                  the centre of buoyancy being too low.

d.                  the centre of gravity being too low.

Question 17 (6 Marks)   Validates to TDMMC807B element 1j

Describe six basic checks to ensure stability before departure of a 24 metre passenger vessel on a coastal voyage:







Question 18 (4 Marks) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1j  

On the sketch below, mark the position of:





Centre of gravity


Initial centre of buoyancy

Righting lever

Question 19 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1j  

The vessel shown in Question 18 is a stable vessel.

TRUE                                FALSE

Question 20 (2 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1j

The sketch shows a vessel approaching a shoal bank at speed. Describe the effects that would be experienced and how to limit them.



Question 21 (3 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1k

Explain why a coastal river bar entrance should be navigated with caution.







Question 22 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1l

When anchoring a large vessel in deep water, a heavy anchor and chain should be:

a.                  dropped while going in astern.

b.                  veered out for to the waterline before letting go.

c.                  walked out most of the way.

d.                  surged out using the windlass brake.

Question 23 (4 Marks) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1l

List four considerations in choosing a safe anchorage:





Question 24 (3 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1m  

Describe three precautions for life buoy stowage.




Question 25 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1m  

Items for routine inspection of life jackets include checking the:

a.                  approval stamp, the reflective tape and the smoke signal.

b.                  retro-reflective tape, the whistle and the light.

c.                  approval number, the reflective tape, the light and the EPIRB.

d.                  retro-reflective tape, the whistle, the light and the hood.

Question 26 (2 Marks) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1m   

List four items of safety equipment you would expect to find on board 13 metre Class 1C dive boat.





Question 27 (4 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1m  

Having recently bought the vessel in Question 26, your inspection includes the fire extinguishers. Describe four checks of their serviceability.





Question 28 (2 Marks)   Validates to TDMMC807B element 1m

Where would you expect to find the information setting out the legal maximum number of people you could carry onboard the vessel in Question 26?



What would you do if you could not find it?



 Question 29 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC807B element 1m

A Class C vessel is a:

a.                  limited to sheltered waters.

b.                  limited to 3NM offshore.

c.                  limited to 30NM offshore.

d.                  limited to 300NM offshore.

Question 30 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC907C element 1m

Who is primarily responsible for ensuring the serviceability of the safety equipment of a vessel on departure:

a.      the master.

b.      the owner.

c.      the Maritime Authority.

d.      the crew.

Question 31 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1n

Interaction between vessels can be reduced by:

a.      decreasing clearance between vessels.

b.      increasing the speed of both vessels.

c.      increasing clearance between vessels.

d.      decreasing the course of both vessels.

Question 32 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1n  

Shallow water effect will cause a barge shaped vessel to:

a.                  squat by the head.

b.                  move bodily to port.

c.                  squat by the stern.

d.                  move bodily to starboard.

Question 33 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1o

Steering of larger power vessels when in astern propulsion is poor but often the:

a.                  bow will seek the wind. 

b.                  bow will turn to port.  

c.                  stern will turn to starboard.

d.                  stern will seek the wind.

Question 35 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1p

If someone falls over the port side from a motor vessel, your first action would be to:

a.                  radio for assistance.

b.                  fire a red parachute flare.

c.                  go hard-a-port.

d.                  go hard-a-starboard.

Question 36 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1p

If a person has fallen overboard from a small vessel, to pick them up it:

a.                  can execute any form of turn.

b.                  must execute an “Elliptical” turn.

c.                  must execute a “Y” turn.

d.                  must execute a “Williamson” turn.

Question 37 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1p

If contact has been lost with a MOB and conditions indicate that they may not have drifted far:  

a.                  a sector spiral pattern is appropriate.

b.                  a   parallel track search pattern is appropriate.

c.                  an expanding square search pattern is appropriate.

d.                  radial search pattern is appropriate.

Question 38 (3 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 1p

With the aid of a simple sketch, briefly describe the execution of an “Elliptical” turn which is used in recovering a person who has fallen overboard.

Question 39 (6 Marks)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 1q  

You are master of an 17 metre charter vessel who looses a passenger over the port bow whilst travelling at 16 knots. List the actions you would take to recover the unconscious MOB.









Question 40 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 2a  

When a vessel is being towed, the:

a.                  Maritime Authority is in charge.

b.                  tug is in charge.

c.                  towed is in charge.

d.                  it is always uncertain.

Question 41 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 2b  

To pass a towline from the stern of your tug to a vessel of dissimilar drift rate you should:

a.      overtake on his side then manoeuvre to just ahead on his heading.

b.      approach him at 90 degrees and stop downwind, to pass the tow.

c.      approach him at 90 degrees and stop upwind, to pass the tow.

d.      overtake on his weather side, then manoeuvre to just ahead, facing his bow.

Question 42 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 2b  

If towing a heavy barge or in rough conditions, the towline should be:

a.      as short as practicable.

b.      secured at several points.

c.      weighted to reduce snatching.

d.      doubled up prevent yawing.

Question 43 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 2c  

If towing across a coastal river bar using a floating towline, its length should be:

a.      the length of the wave crest to wave crest outside the bar.

b.      half the length of the wavelength on the bar.

c.      the length of the wave crest to wave crest on the bar.

d.      one and a half times the length of the wavelength on the bar.

Question 44 (2 Marks) Validates to TDMMC807B element 3a  

As master of a vessel, list your preparations on receiving an adverse weather report?







Question 45 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 3b

On the approach of deteriorating sea conditions you should:

a.                  close all scuppers.

b.                  pump out half the ballast carried.

c.                  clear all freeing ports.

d.                  speed up to get through it.

Question 46 (2 Marks)   Validates to TDMMC807B element 3b

Your twin screw vessel has lost it’s rudder to a rogue wave 3 miles offshore. Describe how you could control the direction of the vessel to get home.




Question 47 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 3b 

You suddenly sight a red star flare, broad on your starboard bow, followed some thirty seconds later by another. You should:

a.                  fire a white flare in reply.

b.                  keep a close lookout for submarines in the area.

c.                  alter to starboard and prepare to render assistance.

d.                  alter to port to keep well clear.

Question 48 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMC807B element 3c

The run of the tide is usually greatest at half tide.


Question 49 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMC807B element 3d

Synchronous rolling of a vessel in large seas can be reduced by a change in course or speed.



Question 50 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMC807B element 3e  

The purpose of a sea anchor deployed from the bow is to:

a.                  hold the vessel to the bottom in deep water.

b.                  slow the rate of drift and keep the bow to the wind.

c.                  push a vessel along with the current.

d.                  there is no such anchor.

Checked by:

Approved by

                                              Ranger Hope © 2008 (contains reworked material courtesy of ANTA)