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Part B Rules & Collision Regulations

Question 1 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

In the “Collision Regulations”, the word "breadth" in relation to a vessel, means:

a.        breadth on the main deck

b.       greatest breadth

c.        moulded breadth

d.         breadth at the load waterline

Question 2 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

In the “Collision Regulations”, the word "length" in relation to a vessel, means:

a.        length between perpendiculars

b.        waterline length

c.        register length

d.       length overall

Question 3 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

In the “Collision Regulations”, the word "underway" in relation to a vessel, means:

a.        being towed.

b.       not attached to the sea bottom or shore.

c.        drifting.

d.        less than the required speed.

Question 4 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

It is prohibited to anchor in a traffic separation scheme.

TRUE                                          FALSE

Question 5 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

When approaching a traffic separation scheme, a vessel shall:

a.        do so at right angles to the general direction of traffic flow

b.        seek permission to do so from all other vessel in the vicinity

c.        do so only in a case of an emergency or to engage in fishing within the zone

d.       do so at as small an angle as possible as nearly as practical

Question 6 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

Risk of collision exists when an approaching vessel has:

a.        an increasing range and bearing

b.       a steady bearing and decreasing range

c.        a steady range and increasing bearing

d.        a decreasing bearing

Question 7 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

Risk of collision is considered to exist if:

a.        a special circumstance situation is apparent

b.        two vessels are nearby

c.        there is doubt that a risk of collision exists

d.        another vessel has a constant range and steady bearing

Question 8 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

The passage of vessels which can safely navigate only within a narrow channel shall not be impeded by vessels whose length is less than:

a.        10 metres

b.       20 metres

c.        100 metres

d.        50 metres

Question 9 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

Which of the vessels listed below shall avoid impeding the safe passage of a vessel not under command ?

a.        a fishing vessel

b.       all of the choices

c.        a sailing vessel

d.        a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre

Question 10 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

Draw the lights of a small vessel with a short tow below.

Question 11 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

In your power boat you sight a yacht  approaching you from about 45° on your starboard beam, The correct action for you to take is:

a.        give way

b.        reduce speed

c.        increase speed

d.        maintain course and speed

Question 12 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

While travelling up the coast in your workboat you observe another power-driven vessel on your port bow. Your duty is to:

a.        give way

b.       stand on

c.        alter course to port

d.        alter course to starboard

Question 13 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

A Seaplane should be keep well clear of a

a.        vessel engaged in fishing

b.       all of the choices

c.        sailing vessel

d.        power driven vessel

Question 14 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

You are sailing with the wind on your port quarter. You observe another sailing vessel upwind approaching on a steady bearing. You should keep clear.

TRUE                                          FALSE

Question 15 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

You are making way in restricted visibility when you hear the sound of a fog signal forward of your beam.  You are required to reduce speed to:

a.        a moderate speed commensurate with conditions

b.       the minimum where your vessel can be kept on course

c.        half speed if proceeding at a higher speed

d.        a safe speed in relation stopping distance

Question 16 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

The minimum visibility range of a sternlight on vessels of 12 mtrs or more but less than 50 mtrs in length is:

a.        3 miles

b.       2 miles

c.        4 miles

d.        1 mile

Question 17 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

A vessel engaged in mine clearance operations should not be approached closer than 2000 metres astern and 500 metres either side.

TRUE                                          FALSE

Question 18 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

Power-driven vessels are not obliged to show a second masthead light if their length is less than:

a.        50 meters

b.        100 meters

c.        20 meters

d.        70 meters

Question 19 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d 

 Draw below the lights of a fishing vessel making way.

Question 20 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d 

A small vessel anchored in a bay is flying a blue and white swallow-tailed flag to indicate that the vessel:

a.        is engaged in diving operations.

b.        is a local pilot tender.

c.        requires assistance.

d.        wishes to communicate with you.

Question 21 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

The arc on the horizon of a vessel’s stern light is 135°.

TRUE                                          FALSE

Question 22 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

Draw below the day shapes of a NUC.

Question 23 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

Which method is used to indicate a partly submerged object being towed?

a.        an all-round light at each end of the towed object

b.        a diamond shape on the towed object

c.        all of the choices

d.        a searchlight from the towing vessel in the direction of the tow

Question 24 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

The day shape for a vessel engaged in fishing is two cones, pointed ends together in a vertical line.

TRUE                                          FALSE

Question 25 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

Another vessel approaching in sight, blasts rapidly five times to indicate:

a.        altering my course to starboard

b.        operating astern propulsion

c.        altering my course to port

d.       what is your intention?

Question 26 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

A short blast indicates that the vessel:

a.        is turning to starboard

b.        intends to pass port to port

c.        is holding course and speed

d.        will keep out of the way of the stand on vessel 

Question 27 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

Another vessel in sight in a narrow channel, sounds two prolonged blasts followed by a short blast to indicate:

a.        I intend to overtake you on your starboard side

b.        I agree to allow you to overtake me

c.        I intend to overtake you on your port side

d.        I am unclear of your intention?

Question 28 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 1c, 1d   

What signal shall be used to indicate that a vessel is turning to port.

a.        three long blasts of the whistle

b.        five short and rapid blasts of the whistle

c.        two short blasts of the whistle

d.        one prolonged blast followed by three short blasts of the whistle

Question 29 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 2b  

Another vessel displays a square flag below which is a ball to indicate.

a.        distress

b.        aground

c.        nets out

d.        not under command

Question 30 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 2b  

A distress flare is coloured.

a.        white

b.        blue

c.        red

d.        green

Question 31 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 2b  

Three fixed red lights in a vertical line indicate.

a.        a vessel in distress

b.        a vessel aground

c.        a coastal radio tower

d.       a vessel constrained by its draught

Question 32 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h & TDMMF4707B 2b  

You are required to assist vessels or persons displaying distress signals.

TRUE                                          FALSE

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                                      Ranger Hope © 2008 (contains reworked material courtesy of ANTA)