Information for the Maritime Training Package (MAR)


Training packages are competency based. Training completion Certificates are issued by a Registered Training Organisation when you demonstrate your competence required by the certificate level.

The MAR Training Package Release 8 is current at Febuary 2016 - Go to MAR Release 8

*Note - This summary was current at 30/6/22. To ensure currency always go to

MAR10220 Certificate I   in Maritime Operations (General Purpose Hand NC)

MAR10418 Certificate I   in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 2 NC)

MAR20321 Certificate II  in Maritime Operations (Coxswain Grade 1 NC)

MAR20421 Certificate II  in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 3 NC)

MAR31021 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master Inland Waters)

MAR30921 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Master up to 24 metres NC)

MAR30821 Certificate III in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 NC)

MAR40320 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Master up to 35 metres NC)

MAR40220 Certificate IV in Maritime Operations (Marine Engine Driver Grade 1 NC)

MAR50320 Diploma of Maritime Operations

MAR50120 Diploma of Marine Engineering


To assess your competence a Registered Training Organisation will provide you with a personal training plan, assessment plan and an explanation of the processes of training and assessment.

Terms used in competency based training


Competency is the consistent application of knowledge/skills to the performance standard expected in the workplace. To be competent, a trainee must be able to perform the task consistently, safely, correctly and with due regard to regulations, policies and procedures.


Assessment is the process of evidence collection and its evaluation in order to judge when an individual has achieved competency to the standard expected in the workplace (as described in the relevant unit of competency).


Evidence is ‘information on trainee achievement, preferably gained from a variety of assessment activities or other sources, which is the basis for judgment as to whether an individual has achieved competency’, as described below in the “assessment method”.

Your personal “competency assessment plan”        

It is a planner that a trainee and assessor use to plan/collate the evidence required for assessment. A range of tasks/methods may be appropriate to assess the elements of a unit of competency, allowing for customisation to an individual’s needs while fulfilling the overall assessment requirements.

To develop a competency assessment plan the trainer/assessor and the trainee will:

·           discuss the appropriate collection of the evidence listed in the assessment plan.

·           select the nature of the evidence that will be gathered.

·           complete the assessment event planner and add information or comments.

·           complete an assessment agreement with your RTO

Your assessment agreement with your Registered Training Authority

This records the agreement between the trainee and the assessor on the competency assessment plan they will use. A copy should be kept by both trainee and assessor.

Typical Assessment process and methods


Competency assessment plan

This outlines the course structure and allows the trainee and trainer/assessor to develop a training & assessment plan.

Assessment agreement

This is the agreement between the trainee and trainer/assessor over how the assessment will be conducted.



Practical assessment



Observation of a trainee by the assessor:

·         in the workplace

·         at demonstrations and/or simulations

·         in role plays and/or scenarios

It includes questioning and a written report. Questions are used to probe, assess and confirm the trainee’s:

·         depth of knowledge, skills and experience.

·         ability to transfer skills in order to handle new situations.

·         values and attitudes.



A document or collection collated/written by a trainee, confirming their ability to:

·         gain knowledge.

·         source technical information.

·         demonstrate the required written skills.



An examination completed by a trainee that confirms:

·         depth of knowledge, skills and experience.

·         ability to transfer skills in order to handle new situations.

·         understanding of legislation, policies and procedures.

·         values and attitudes.



A statement from an employer, trainer or supervisor confirming their observation of a trainee’s ability to fulfill the requirements of a unit of competency to workplace standards, being a:

·         reference of work experience and performance, and/or a,

·         report of observations of specified performance criteria.


Evidence folder

A collection of evidence that may be presented to an assessor in support of a trainee’s competence.


Typical Training and Assessment agreement

Course:                                                           Certificate Level:

Trainee name:

Trainee number:

Assessor or registered training organization’s name:

The trainee should complete this form and send it to their RTO.

I, the Trainee have:

been fully informed of the assessment process.



been informed of the acceptable types of evidence.



received information about the required units of competency.



received a personal training plan or study planner for this course.



explained my personal needs to my assessor.



been informed of the appeal process.



Trainee signs:


Assessor signs:
