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APPLY DOMESTIC REGULATIONS                      (answers)

Part A Domestic Regs


Part B Collision Regulations

Validates to TDMMF3207C elements 1-3


Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3h &

                    TDMMF4707B element 1c, 1d 

Part A Domestic Regulations

Question 1 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1a  

Regulations require that a vessel’s Certificate of Operation shall displayed prominently in the vessel.


Question 2 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1a  

When the master is off watch the ships operational logs must be locked away so as to maintain confidentiality of the personal information that they contain.






Question 3 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1a

A commercial vessel’s plying limits are found:

a.         engraved on a deckhead beam

b.         by asking the last skipper

c.         by reviewing its navigational log entries

d.         in the Certificate of Operation.


Question 4 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1a  

Briefly explain what is meant by “Core complement”, and where this information be found on your commercial vessel. 






Question 5 (4 Marks)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1b  

Match the official publication with its subject matter or relevance:




1. Marine Orders. 


Updates to AMSA regulations.

2. Marine Notices.


Advise of current Australian safety and navigation issues.

3. Australian Notices to Mariners.


 Updates to charts and sailing directions.


4. Maritime Authority Notices.


Advice and regulation updates for the State’s water users


Question 5 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1c

A commercial vessel’s survey compliance found :

a.         in the engine room logs

b.         in the Certificates of Survey and Operation .

c.         by contacting a surveyor

d.         in your Company’s office records


Question 6 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1c

Regulations for standards of safe practice aboard vessels are described in:

a.         WH&S legislation and Commonwealth Maritime Regulations

b.         the Commercial Ships Act 2007 and the National Standards Act 2002

c.         the Uniform Shipping legislation and the Collision Regulations

d.         the Commonwealth Shipping Act and the State Marine Acts



Question 7 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1c

Under WH&S principles, an employee is required to:

a.         read the Workcover brochures

b.         look after himself/herself first while working with others

c.         ensure safety systems and equipment are operated appropriately

d.         wear safety boots and helmet at all times



Question 8 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1c

Under WH&S principles, an employer is required to:

a.         provide adequate safety measures that fulfil a duty of care

b.         hold safety meetings weekly

c.         ensure that all supervisors are qualified instructors

d.         ensure that there is one toilet for every three employees



Question 9 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1c 

Who is primarily responsible for ensuring that the required safety equipment is aboard before setting out on a voyage?

a.         the water police

b.         the owner

c.         the master

d.         the surveyor


Question 10 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1c 

A timber commercial vessel must be surveyed out of water:

a.         every two years

b.         annually

c.         every six months

d.         every five years




Question 11 (4 Marks)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1c

Match the class of vessel with its plying limits:

1.           4E


Sheltered waters-                   hire & drive vessel

2.           1D


Partially Smooth waters -        passenger vessel

3.           2C


Less than 30 nm offshore -     work boat

4.           3B


Less than 200 nm offshore -   fishing vessel


Question 12 (4 Marks)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1d

List four of the reasons for suspending a vessel’s Certificate of Operation:









Question 13 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1e

A portable fire extinguisher is required to be recharged when:

a.         24 months have elapsed since the last recharge

b.         6 months have elapsed since the last recharge

c.         the extinguisher is rusty

d.         the indicator points to the red section


Question 14 (4 Marks)    Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1e

List the types of distress flares that are available for use on small craft, and state the checks for their serviceability:








Question 15 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1e

Briefly describe the stowage and maintenance requirements for lifejackets.








Question 16 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1e  

Safety equipment is inspected at survey and requires no further checking.





Question 17 (4 Marks)    Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1f

Match the revalidation periods of the required certification :

1.           6 months


Portable fire extinguishers  (to AS 1851)

2.           1 years


Life raft repack

3.           4 years


Compass adjustment certificate

4.           5 years


Certificate of Competency


Question 18 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1g

A notifiable incident must be reported to:

a.         the Australian Hydrographic Service

b.         your port’s pilotage service

c.         your skipper

d.         AMSA


Question 19 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1g  

The Survey Authority must be notified at the commencement of structural alterations to a commercial vessel that is in current survey.






Question 20 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1h, 3d

Personal and sensitive records that the company keeps:

a.         must be filed in the company office

b.         should be stored at home at the managers house

c.         must be secure but available to the authorised officer 

d.         should be hidden by the secretary

Question 21 (1 Mark)   Validates to TDMMF3207C element 1i, 3d

Certificates and documents required for operations should be stored:

a.         where only the designated officer has access to them

b.         where they wont get too wet

c.         where they are readily available when required

d.         where they wont get read



Question 22 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2a  

The Natuonal Standard plying limits for vessels certified for Inshore Waters operations is:

a.     15 nm to seaward of the coast or as specified by the survey authority.

b.     50 nnm to seaward of the coast or as specified by the survey authority.

c.     10 nm to seaward of the coast or as specified by the survey authority.

d.    40 nm to seaward of the coast or as specified by the survey authority.



Question 23 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2a

Small passenger carrying vessels must display an Emergency Station List:

a.     all the choices given

b.     in the wheelhouse

c.     in every workspace

d.    where it may best be seen by passengers 



Question 24 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2a

Regulations concerning the specifications for rigging and lifting gear are found in:  

a.         the ships Record of Survey Book

b.         the Marine Order 32, Cargo Gear

c.         the USL code

d.         the Company register 

 Question 26 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2b 

The methodology of risk management is to:

a.     assess the hazards, identify the risks, monitor a control plan and & develop re-evaluation

b.    identify the hazards, assess the risks from the hazards, develop a control plan, monitor & re-evaluate the plan

c.     identify a control plan, plan the hazards, develop the risks, and monitor & re-evaluate

d.     identify the plan, monitor the risks, develop an assessment & re-evaluate the hazards



Question 25 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2b  

The required Safety Management Manual details the emergency procedures rather than the operational procedures of the vessel.







Question 28 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2c  

List four items you would check during a routine inspection of safety equipment.










Question 27 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2c 

To check if a CO2extinguisher is fully charged, you would:

a.         weigh it

b.         activate it

c.         read the dial

d.         read its permit plate


Question 29 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2d

All commercial vessels are required to have on board:

a.         a life raft

b.         a standard compass

c.         a portable radio

d.         parachute flares



Question 30 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2d

Solas life jackets are required on all:

a.         passenger, cargo and fishing vessels

b.         recreational and commercial vessels over 300 tonnes displacement

c.         vessels operating more then 15 nm offshore

d.         vessels operating more then 30 nm offshore



Question 31 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2d

If you discovered a leak from a sullage pipe into the bilge, you should:

a.         wrap a towel around the pipe

b.         shut down the system, secure all valves & visit the pump out facility

c.         pump out the bilge

d.         sprinkle disinfectant into the bilge and pump out the bilge


Question 32 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2e

A buoyant light on the after deck does not activate when you invert it, you should:

a.         report its unserviceability and service it as soon as possible

b.         swap the batteries from the hand held radio

c.         throw it away

d.         replace it with the buoyant light on the foredeck


Question 33 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2f

Emergency training drills are performed by.

a.         passenger ships carrying more than twelve passengers

b.         passenger ships carrying less than twelve passengers

c.         fishing vessels

d.         all of the choices


Question 34 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2g

Notification to AMSA of a grounding incident is only required if there is damage to the vessel.







Question 35 (1 Mark)  Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2g

Five working days are allowed before minor spills need to be reported to the port authority.







Question 36 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2g

It is an offence to wilfully make an omission in a log book.

Question 37 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 2h   

Despite a quiet chat to them, a crew person persistently fails to handle foodstuffs as is required by the company’s hygiene operational procedure, you should:

a.         shout at them next time you catch them handling food without gloves

b.         write a warning letter pretending that dozens of complaints have been made

c.         document future incidents & report it so retraining can be arranged 

d.         ignore it until you get actual complaints from the customers


Question 38 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3a, 3c   

Written documentation should be:

a.         in ink, concise, correct and in duplicate

b.         correct, waterproof, contrite, and complete

c.         legible, clear, cluttered, and complete

d.         clear, concise, correct and complete


Question 39 (3 Marks) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3b,  

List three logs (record books) that Maritime regulations require to be maintained on a commercial vessel, and briefly describe their content:







Question 40 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3c  

Under Maritime regulations it is not required to keep on board a copy of:

a.         the crew’s current First Aid Certificates

b.         the crew’s Certificates of Competency

c.         the crew’s Birth Certificates

d.         any Certificates


Question 41 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3f  

Under the WH&S regulations it is necessary to report and log:

a.         only injuries which are serious enough to need a doctors attention

b.         all injuries, even minor ones

c.         injuries where the employee had to stop work

d.         injuries due to the negligence of other team mates


Question 42 (4 Marks) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3f   

List four Notifiable incidents:










Question 43 (1 Mark) Validates to TDMMF3207C element 3g   

Secure storage of legal documents is normally required for a minimum of:

a.         1 year

b.         5 years

c.         7 years

d.         15 years

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